The word is out: 2024 is set to be a year like no other. Some say we’re in for a bumpy ride, a ‘noisy’ few years ahead and for revelations that will rock us to our very core. Probably a ‘yes’ to all of that, but for the Spiritually awakened, we know that we have an important role to play in it all. We are called to be conscious creators now. It’s a time to put our truths into action and to infuse our lives with the honesty, authenticity and transparency we have come to recognize in ourselves. We are essential creators of a New Earth where truth, love and a higher consciousness will prevail. There’s no turning back now. And let me be clear; this is not a time to be fearful, but rather a time to be excited for this beautiful transformation we are here to witness and to birth. As a spiritual teacher, I’ve been truly inspired by my students. I’m seeing a coming together of a strong and supportive community of light workers that wish to be active agents for loving change on this planet. The workshops I will be offering in the New Year will help you to gain insight into your own spiritual growth and indeed your own intuitive powers. I’m a firm believer that this is to be done with a deep sense of joy and a generous dose of fun! I am grateful to guide others to discover their unique gifts and to empower them to find their rightful place within this unforgettable time of our human history. Workshops kick off on Saturday, January 13th where you’ll learn ‘How to Manifest and Mean It’. Check out my EVENTS page for upcoming workshops that will inspire a New You for this exciting New Year!
